Sunday, January 9, 2011

In The Beginning

Just so that the first blog I post has a basis in (sort-of)fact, I decided to UrbanDictionary search what they actually are.
Here are a couple of results ...

Meaning 1
Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."

v. intr.
The act of posting to a weblog.
Meaning 2
Short for weblog. Blogs originally had purpose when the few people who had them actually had interesting and/or informative things to say. These blogs still exist, and are quite enjoyable to read, however the advent of and has changed this once meaningful application into utter shit, allowing every day idiots to write about how shitty their lives are and why everyone should care.
Good Blog: Informative news, real humor and entertainment. Often build and published by someone with a brain.

Bad Blog: "School sucks", what you had for lunch, why your depressed because your 14 year old boyfriend dumped you and its the end of the world.

Needingless to say, I quickly decided that the majority of people who posted on this website are cynical and judgemental. Then after a little blog-cruising of my own I realised they were right, the majority of the authors were writing about the totally mundane in a surprisingly boring-yet-overdramatic manner. Finally I decided that although some of the blogs out there are  - how can I put this nicely... - just the ways in which people choose to document 'how shitty their lives are and why everyone should care' ; the authors of these particular UrbanDictionary entries, and everyone else in the blog-world should keep their minds open.

Everyone's shit still stinks, it's just that some people manage to make it more interesting to read about than others. And even if the stink of their shit is so strong it makes you gag, a little respect still stops you getting dragged down into it.

The reason this particular blog is about IS to document the occasionally shitty, vaguely but rarely exciting, and slightly mediocre story of my growing up. And to put it simply, this adventure's not quite the yellow brick road. But I'm not here to whinge and complain about any flying monkeys I come across (although to be honest, if I keep this blog caper up I'm sure that I will rant and rage every now and then). I'm just here to enjoy the journey, I'm not even fussed if I never get to Oz.

To be honest I kind of wish I was a Lost Boy - you have to admit, never growing up sounds pretty appealing. Especially at this age, when I've got my whole life before me when the amount of possibilities are simultaneously terrifying, exciting and exhausting. I'm not quite sure whether to run away with my tails between my legs or beg with my tail wagging and tongue lolling out. But I've decided to give it a good go, and try my hardest to have fun doing it.

And to be honest, a bit of knowledge gained as I go wouldn't go astray. Even though I've made enough mistakes to fill up several thousand of those annoying movies where everything keeps goes wrong and watching it makes me all irritable and bothered, I can't wait to make more. Because to me that's what life is - mistakes and everything in between.

So here I am bitches, let me at it.

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