So I finaaaaaaaaaaaaaally got to go out clubbing thanks to a friends friend who kindly lent me her ID. I am now '19' going on 20 in August (which is perfect as my awesome friends M and R are actually that age; and a lot of the rest of them are a bit older).
Although I've discovered that the full time party-life doesn't agree AT ALL with my immune system (especially when combined with working all day); it was FUCKING WORTH IT ! I may restrict my goings out to only 2 or 3 nights in a row from now on...
After my first weekend out, I was sick all week - and only just made it to work on the weekend (and the public holiday we had yesterday - can anyone say DOUBLE TIME !!). I did also make time for a good friends 21st out in town (club club club); and a more chilled out 18th.
Random fact - both of those boys names start with the letter J.
Anywho; my friend (who is another boy who starts with J) has decided that in the future my boy finding ways need to start making sense. Which - in a world where I am only attracted and attractive to liars and jerks - means not finding good boys; but putting the various dickheads into some sort of vaugley amusing order.
So we came up with the alphabet.
M (Sparky) - 21 years old
N (I'll tell you about him in a second) - 20 years old
~then I need to find boys whose names start with~
O (19 years old)
P (18 years old)
But that's as young as I'm going, because I refuse to hook up with someone the same age as me! I don't know, guess I'm just one of those girls who hates guys my own age, and knows that they (of all ages) are all dickheads anyway - but would prefer to be fucked over by someone with a little more experience at lying so I can pretend to be all naive and innocent and such.
So I guess some of you are wondering who N-20yo is? Well, here is the answer.
He is the ex-boyfriend of the sister of J-who-turned-21. And to make matters more confusing I met J-who-turned-21's sister and really liked her. In fact, I may take her up on her offer, and go out clubbing with her this weekend. I guess it's a good think I'm not really that keen on him. My friends (M&R who I usually go out with, and who are respectively almost 20 themselves) think he's really hot. Personally I don't see it. I think he's good looking, and a nice kid - but I'm really not that attracted to him. He's probably actually a nice guy, and that is probably why I'm not interested.
Ah the female brain. I really don't understand it. Especially my own.
After eating some dodgy spag bol, I am now laid up in bed all sick and shit yet again (but my brain is going - FUCKING LET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE HOLY FUCK I AM SO SO SO SO BORED). Hopefully I will be able to drag my body (which is totally letting me down at the moment, if I do say so) to school tomorrow. Note to the obvious, being sick sucks major donkey balls.
And in my head the 'major donkey balls' bit sounded like in those old westerns where it all sounds like 'majer donkay bawwwwwlls'.
Also, I am very very happy with the fact that my boys from last year (no, not all the boys I saw - all my friends from the year above who so cruelly graduated and left me with only my year and the year below to keep me company) have restarted Taco Night.
Taco night is where we eat Tacos and Burritos with a large group of people (of which I am almost always the only girl); and watch TV, occasionally smoke flavoured tobacco through a Shisha Pipe (and no I am not talking about Mary Jane - I have never and hope to never let her enter my airways) and almost always end up doing something crazy and stupid. Whether it be yelling at the coppers who are staying to guard a politician staying in our hosts apartment block, drawing giant penises on every available surface with ever available substance or egging security cars with large scary,baton wielding men inside them. Taco Night is always beautiful fun though.
New Taco Night is now on Wednesdays (so we can watch Jersey Shore), as opposed to Tuesdays. But apart from that (and the lack of Shisha Pipe due to the absence of the German who brings it with him; as he is selfishly traveling the world instead of supplying us with delicious Apple Tobacco); it is just the same, and equally as brilliant as ever.
That's all I can think of to update you with my little ones.
If I think of more I will probably think about posting it, and then not be bothered.
Muchos Amores (I hope that means much love)
Me :)
For those of you wondering what happened to Sparky, I kind of stopped talking to him after the hotel. I figured he'd peaked. I mean, what if he wasn't as good the next time. Wouldn't want to disappointed would I?
Told you I'm a bitch. Good thing you all love me though, isn't it?
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